
Check out how The School Food Showdown can tie in with your PHSE goals and Regular Curriculum. We want to make it as simple as we can for you!

Selecting the most appropriate external providers to deliver sessions in your school can be a difficult task.

See how we help make it easy for you, and how we can help you with our sessions.

maximum impact

The School Food Showdown is delivered to a group of between 50 - 250 pupils in 1 hour.

The School Food Showdown is highly effective. Resulting in minimum disruption from the standard curriculum, delivering maximum impact for Health and Physical Wellbeing.

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aims and learning outcomes

When bidding for or requesting funding, it can be a challenge to know what to write.

Please use our Aims and Learning Outcomes pdf to help you.

Download it now.

Download pdf
aims and learning outcomes of the school food showdown

free follow-on materials

The impact of The School Food Showdown doesn't end once the show is finished.

Download our free follow on materials based on the eatwell guide.

You can download them now!

Download worksheets

pupil voice and feedback

Pupil opinion is very important to us. It's the way we measure our effectiveness. From all the forms completed, this is what we found.

  1. All pupils responded that the show made them want to have a go at cooking healthy meals
  2. Most pupils responded that they learnt that healthy meals can be "easy" and "tasty" or "delicious"
  3. All pupils responded that they would like to have the show visit their school again
Contact us
aims and learning outcomes of the school food showdown
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